Monday, August 07, 2006

Once more unto the breach dear friends, once more

Yes it's been a while. Since the latter days of uni the lethargy had descended upon me but lately it has been lifting lightly away. (Alliteration seems to have seized me by the throat. I will fight him off)

I have by found that Etsy was not in fact The Way Forward, at least not for me. Hand-crafted commerce requires a more personal touch I feel, an old-school tactile market scene is called for. Perhaps it was the giddy riches that Marrakesh revealed, the open sweat and blood craftsmanship that produced the wonders of Fez- a laser etched plate may look neat but it cannot compare with brass that has been worked on for weeks. The leather tanning and zelij factories displaying what unbelievable and beautiful feats we can achieve without machinery, Alhamdulillah- (which so dazzled our party that we fell delightly to our knees in their rubbish tip of fragmented tiles, greedily gathering the so despised and discarded treasure. The locals pointed and laughed.) Mrs C's knitting lore was also passed on during that time in Marrakesh, and- though the many tales of Knitdom must be shelved until my knitblog-in-process is open for business- I can now see first-hand that the finished article must be at least seen to be appreciated. Far better is it to see the craftsman at work- it enhances its beauty no end- and to practise yourself brings the understanding higher still. Morris- I so get your Arts&Crafts movement.

None of this is what I wanted to talk about though- I got side tracked. I'll make a new post because these things are so not related except to say that I have returned today overcome by the momentum gathering in my young life. Bring it back to that lifted lethargy stuff. I will expound in the Part II: Feeling active- het up enough to care again+ our Myf Club of fun and acting as young or younger than our age. As you can see we need a real name..


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