Thursday, May 18, 2006

Murder on the busfloor

Well not quite, but I was reflecting on what-might-have-been and what-could-be..
The scene is top floor 192, a colourful place to be filled with Longsightians and Levenshulmers, topped off with scally Stockport.
To cut to the chase, a skinhead who I would judge to be at least in his late 20s, yanked my scarf from the back as he was passing. My first assumption was that it was a friendly tug from a galpal, but on seeing a white guy in scally uniform (full on shiny green trackie) I decided to revise my opinion. We exchanged martial glints but nothing came of it and he and another metallic trackied baldie went on their way.

I was shocked at his rudeness, and annoyed- but not so much cause my headband had been decent about keeping its grip. What occupied my brain however was what kind of people there were around me, trying to sum them up, and who might be a hero/ heroine should the occasion arise. Perhaps it's all the Lost I've been watching but it was interesting stuff:
A white guy, hard to judge his social class as he was right in front of me and I couldn't see much. He wore a whitish shirt though- i don't know how the middle classes are with chivalry. So I examined, the white chicks, asian guy, african couple... figuring out likely candidates (on faces as well as race :p). I also thought about if I'd do anything to defend myself- answer: probably eyeball the crowd and demand rescue. People will follow an order/plea like that however diffident they are about just jumping in. I think they're just too polite to interrupt sometimes..
I could go on but I'm hungry and Mrs C's making roast dinner..


Blogger Tamanna said...

Let's start at the very beginning
A very good place to start
When you read you begin with - A - B - C
When you sing you begin with DO - RE - MI
DO - RE - MI , DO - RE - MI
The first three notes just happen to be DO - RE - MI
DO - RE - MI
DO - RE - MI - FA - SO - LA - TI...
(Oh let's see if I can make this easier)
DO - a deer, a female deer
RE - a drop of golden sun
MI - a name, I call myself
FA - a long long way to run
SO - a needle pulling thread
LA - a note to follow SO
TI - a drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do oh oh oh
Doe! - a deer, a female deer
Ray! - a drop of golden sun
Me! - a name I call myself
Far! - a long long way to run
So! - a needle pulling thread
La! - a note to follow SO
Tea - a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do!
A deer, a female deer
RE, a drop of golden sun
MI, a name, I call myself
FA, a long long way to run
SO, a needle pulling thread
LA, a note to follow SO
TI, a drink with jam and bread
That would bring us back to do...
DO - RE - MI - FA - SO - LA - TI - DO! - SO - DO!

Maria: Now children , do re mi fa and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. Once you have these notes in your head you can a sing a million different tunes by mixing 'em up. Like this...ah...:

SO - DO - LA - FA - MI - DO - RE

Can you do that?

SO - DO - LA - FA - MI - DO - RE

SO - DO - LA - TI - DO - RE -DO

SO - DO - LA - TI - DO - RE - DO

Maria: Now put it all together...

SO - DO - LA - FA - MI - DO - RE
SO - DO - LA - TI - DO - RE - DO

Maria: Good!
Brigitta: But it doesn't mean anything.
Maria: So we put in words, One word for every note, like this:

When - you - know - the - notes - to - sing
You - can - sing - most - a-ny-thing

Maria: Together!

When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most anything!
(Biking scene)
A deer a female deer
A drop of golden sun
A name I call my self
A long long way to run
a needle pulling thread
A note to follow so...
A drink with jam and bread
That will bring us back to do
(Carriage Scene)
Gretl: DO
Martha: RE
Brigitta: MI
Kurt: FA
Louisa: SO
Friedrich: LA
Liesl: TI
Maria: DO, DO

TI - LA - SO - FA - MI - RE - DO

Gretl: DO
Brigitta: MI - MI, MI
Louisa: SO - SO
Martha: RE
Kurt: FA - FA
Friedrich: LA
Liesl: TI - TI

(DO - MI -MI, MI - SO - SO, RE - FA - FA, LA - TI - TI)

Maria: When you know the notes to sing
You can sing most...

All: anything!
(Fountain Scene)
DO - a deer a female deer
RE - a drop of golden sun
MI - a name I call myself
FA - a long long way to run
SO - a needle pulling thread
LA - a note to follow SO
TI - a drink with jam and bread...
That will


TI - DO...oh...oh!!! SO - DO!
Friedrich & Kurt: LA - SO
Friedrich, Kurt, Liesl & Louisa: SO - FA
All: MI - RE

10:49 pm  
Blogger warm as toast said...

lol u fruitloop! I loved the goatherd song though- I never realised the lyrics were so funky: Lusty and clear from the goatherd's throat heard
Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo!

10:17 am  
Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

i want roast!!!!!!!!

2:36 pm  
Blogger Mariamazmi said...

it was a delicious roast dinner too

2:48 pm  
Blogger Pink said...

what promised to be an exciting blog full of u fighting for ur rights & getting the top floor of 192 embroiled in ur battle turned out to be halucinations in ur head. pfft. im apalled. u didnt even yell at him?!

and fudge, cut it out woman!

7:00 pm  
Blogger warm as toast said...

lol- no it only occurred afterwards that I should ask him what his problem was..

7:58 pm  
Blogger Pink said...

jst saw ur facebook profile LOL!!! nice pics, bt the profile is classic!

hmm i like zeenie -> genie... nice ring to it, and does capture ur loopiness somewhat...

so looks like u do have uni friends - jst not in the same uni!!


2:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah they're all ppl I've rediscovered from alty- a fine bunch but I'm not much for keeping contact with those i don't see every other day. I just wish that the Frenchies had facebook or even better- blogs.

6:54 pm  
Blogger NM said...

The little bleeeep!! MD's brothers will sort him out for you :)

10:16 am  

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