Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I would write about the wondrous balletI saw last night- the first I've ever been to (DD you are a bounteous queen!) - but words will only dull the vision of snowflakes and dolls and dance in my mind. Also laziness prevails but I found something cool on the net anyhow-

Yes that's right! Georgette Heyer quizzes- and good ones at that. Now PP can understand how I come to while away my time at halls... For comparison's sake for those with the time and expertise to try these my scores were Regency novels:8/10, Historical novels:7/10, GH+books:13/15, Quotes:8/10, Name game:14/20, and Rejected suitors 9/10 respectively which I think are pretty decent cause they kept asking about the books I didn't like over much like Lady of Quality and the Quiet Gentlemen. Esp the latter where the girl was just not attractive as I recall.

It's a coincidence this quiz coming up- kind of.. I mean yes I was googling Heyer but on the other hand India Knight was randomly plugging her (along with zaftigness which is another subject) in the Sunday times review I scrounged off a bus.

What's far more worrying I'd say is that I deliberate much more before answering these multiple choice questions than those I sat at uni a couple of weeks ago. Both were fun but I have more background knowledge to sift through with Georgette Heyer.


Blogger dazey said...


*shocked speechless*

10:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg i have to do this quiz!! I shall be truly ashamed if I get less than you tho..await the results - will post here. PS i found 'Penhallow' in Cairo - one of the few I don't own or haven't read

3:16 pm  
Blogger Pink said...

shameful stuff zee... after claiming that ur mind is Not in fact blank, u still continue to keep us in limbo.

i think i might just remove u from my links!! :p

8:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol fine you do that. you know everything I do and am doing anyhow- which is Not Much so it shouldn't make too much difference

8:48 pm  

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