Sunday, April 02, 2006

long time no blog. Partly cause of extreme net deprivation but also ingrained inertia. I'm battling the latter now because I had a very cool day. The inspiration's not quite flowing- this isn't a witching hour can't-sleep-must-blog post, more from a feeling of duty and slight guilt. And I missed the best day of the cyber-year yesterday tho maybe only Ray'll get how sad that is.. *fighting inertia and tendency to ramble* So-

Everyone should go along to the Dawah Exhibition at Didsbury Mosque- It's super swish and not just because they now have under floor heating. They had lots of flashy poster displays and gorgeous Islamic artwork- real funky work by up-and-comings. Then there's the Mini- Morroco lounge and everlasting baklava and other food I don't know the name of yet. I only heard about it when someone suddenly hauled me off to do henna- and I'm feeling quite happy and pro now :) But it's for non-muslims really, the food and henna and everything, and they were very cute though we (me MD and her crew) were mooching around looking for approachable types before we decided to approach them anyhow. It was easier for me to talk when I held them captive tattooing their skin.

There was an aspiring artist kid who had a pile of amazing islamic graffiti artwork. I love how such a guerrila form of art is evolving with a Muslim reflection. I think it's down to graffiti and calligraphy being based in the power of the word- and that graffiti also has a social aspect, articulating what cannot be said or is not being heard.. The dude was very diffident about it all and seemed to feel bad asking for a tenner for some amazing piece. We told him he should charge double, though not now of course. I was feeling like a wannabe for a while- being wistful is stupid when I have resources enough to try myself. Anyway now I'm planning to transform the last ugly stronghold in our house, my bedroom, into stencil heaven, insha allah..

The Dawah exhibition's on til thursday, 10am-8pm and I think lots of ppl are going to be there wednesday afternoon. Bring non-muslims.


Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

awww - i will miss :( never mind. good post! i feel an affinity with arty types now that i've done a bit of calligraphy, although that completely doesn't qualify me to.


5:45 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

apparently its on till saturday now iA!
what a way to spend our weekend

8:09 pm  
Blogger Pink said...

yay u blogged!!

delightful as always, hope u took lots of pics!

4:27 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

must agree-the floor heating was amazing!!!

o n the exhibition was pretty good to;).


10:39 pm  
Blogger Mariamazmi said...

oh my gosh it sounds so cool!

wow, didsbury mosque's getting pretty flash!

guess what? in cairo you can do a degree in calligraphy (or the equivalent) you should consider taking up an intensive summer course in it you know.

9:40 pm  

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