Monday, December 05, 2005

A glimpse into my confused state

This morning is a fair example which should illustrate the slightly-lostness that made me miss the first few weeks of uni. What MD calls 'challenged'

To be brief then, I started the day very sure that it was Monday, and now I'm not so positive. I still think it is but a couple of things have thrown me off.
I woke up extra-amazingly early 6.30am, having decided to take advantage of the winter nights, and finished readiing The Scarlet Letter. My head is full of this book now which I didn't expect to be- somehow Puritan Salem drew me in and became my weekend obsession.

Anyhow I hitched a lift with Ray and Abbu and was of course late so I didn't try to go to my Mon 9am lecture. That there was my first mistake - going to my halls instead of classes meant my concept of time wasn't confirmed.

I then redeemed my room from it's deadly inpenetrable war zone status up to Visible Floor level- and indulged my shameless geek by listening to a couple of Leaky podcasts.

After a brief debate with myself on whether the upcomin 12pm Sounds of English tutorial was worthwhile my sensible side won and I left the room careful to remember my keys and purse. But there was a small victory for the foolish side because I left all papers, notes and the like in my room. So I had to go buy a notebook and waste 55p and be even later...

Except the class wasn't on and I'm sure I went to the right room. And I was 5ish minutes late so I couldn't be too early! Time: check, place: check, conclusion- wrong date. Also I'd seen many Student Market Day! flyers, which are only around on Tuesdays. It was like the tragedy of my GoF mix-up all over again except I'm not sad today.

So I logically go through my head of the markers that today IS monday (isn't it??) -
1) Ray went to school this morning so it can't be Sunday.

That was all I had. So you see the evidence is stacked up for Tuesday but I'm still pretty sure it's Monday. And that's the timetable day I'm going to stick with.


Blogger mad as a cambridge bicycle said...

gooooooooon. although the same thing keeps happening to me here in egypt. it is sooo confusing.

6:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

your date line says saturday 3rd of dec - hmm

9:25 pm  
Blogger Pink said...

Good Lord. zed, u need to actually use the organiser on ur pda.


6:12 pm  
Blogger warm as toast said...

wow I think you might be psychic- at exactly the same time as your comment I was reviving my pda which has been asleep for the last three months. And I was just typing in the spectacular meeting time when I read this... spooky

8:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you on drugs?

1:15 am  
Blogger warm as toast said...

who is this anonymouos person? I've never tried drugs though I like the smell of tippex, nail varnish, etc... and I won't either because I clearly don't need them.

1:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excuse the intrusion, but I read somewhere that you're going to BD as well! Argh! No fair, you'll get to meet my sisters (Ash & Snowman)... now that everyone's there, I REALLY want to go as well.

And if Bikey can make it to BD for only 300, then she should DEFINITELY go! The airfares are absolute killers from down under- nothing below $1200... ever!!

2:28 am  
Blogger Pink said...

for someone who checks her mail 3x a times u really have no excuse to be a slack blogger :p

12:55 pm  

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