Wednesday, November 01, 2006

yay that totally worked. I'll bullet point the coolness of the last 24 hours because there were many things:
-Sunderland and I went to the movies to use up my free AMC tickets. Sounds simple enough but we made it um, not. I was designated leader so maybe it was my fault we ended up at the wrong cinema. At first when I saw the times at the Filmworks I thought the Metro had lied to me but then I noticed Ben&Jerry's and it clicked. AMC has no B&J's therefore we were not at the AMC. Happily we had time to get ice-cream and the dude serving us was extra generous and gave us free fudge and chocolate sauce. He almost insisted we take advantage of the freebie icecream toppings but now we wonder if there was something in them which would account for the giddy high that followed.

For the second time I was taken through Next and again the same confusion (see post below) set in. The warmest route to the AMC would have been through arndale- a short straight trip to Boots. Which turned into an twisted loopy eventful journey in which one lady grabbed our hands and made our thumbnails shiny, a ice-cream spatula fell to the ground and refused to be picked up again. It seemed to insist it had found its final resting place and resisted all the efforts of my, Sunderland's or the Arndale cleaning lady's cold finger. Eventually the clever cleaner whipped out her dustbin and handbrush but we were all three sitting down and scrabbling at the shiny floor in front of Costa until then. Some Barclay's guy tried to appeal to our Muslimness to sign up to a credit card too- Assalaamu alaikum sisters! 2
months interest free! cause i know you don't want interest..

The film was The History Boys- reminded me of a lot of what i disliked about my school. The whole grooming for Oxbridge process irritated and attracted me at the same time. I can still never decide whether I'd want to be in that set or not- I wouldn't feel out of place I think but kind of uneasy about the idea of it. Seeing the headteacher fawn over her special Oxbridge girls was a very off-putting example.

ok this bullet point thing is clearly not happening. I'll do a new post about today then.


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