Monday, May 29, 2006

I've just discovered a cyber Holy Grail (is that a blasphemous term? we don't believe in it at all so i don't think it counts) and I was dithering over whether to share the link- I mostly want to keep it to myself but I think Mrs C definitely should share, and maybe Pink too. The rest- well u might appreciate but if u don't it keeps it more special for me.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Murder on the busfloor

Well not quite, but I was reflecting on what-might-have-been and what-could-be..
The scene is top floor 192, a colourful place to be filled with Longsightians and Levenshulmers, topped off with scally Stockport.
To cut to the chase, a skinhead who I would judge to be at least in his late 20s, yanked my scarf from the back as he was passing. My first assumption was that it was a friendly tug from a galpal, but on seeing a white guy in scally uniform (full on shiny green trackie) I decided to revise my opinion. We exchanged martial glints but nothing came of it and he and another metallic trackied baldie went on their way.

I was shocked at his rudeness, and annoyed- but not so much cause my headband had been decent about keeping its grip. What occupied my brain however was what kind of people there were around me, trying to sum them up, and who might be a hero/ heroine should the occasion arise. Perhaps it's all the Lost I've been watching but it was interesting stuff:
A white guy, hard to judge his social class as he was right in front of me and I couldn't see much. He wore a whitish shirt though- i don't know how the middle classes are with chivalry. So I examined, the white chicks, asian guy, african couple... figuring out likely candidates (on faces as well as race :p). I also thought about if I'd do anything to defend myself- answer: probably eyeball the crowd and demand rescue. People will follow an order/plea like that however diffident they are about just jumping in. I think they're just too polite to interrupt sometimes..
I could go on but I'm hungry and Mrs C's making roast dinner..

Monday, May 15, 2006


Had to share this with the world...

His face says it all. He blagged it so beautifully :)

Friday, May 12, 2006

I'm searching for some kind of post offering but the few incidents of interest have been allowed to grow stale- like the tale of the glasses-pinching punk. Well he was more scally than punk but swooping down and snatching my long+short sighted specs seems quite a wanton act of abandon. Worry not, all is well- I think I might of mentioned before how I like a blurry world. It's making this delicious sunshine even shinier- kind of dreamy and unreal. I'm feeling nostalgic for these days, and a few more friends and ice-creams and ginger beers would make things perfect.