Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Because Knitmedic/ Mrs C tagged me..

6 wierd things you probably didn't want to know about me
(although since half of you lot are family you probably know everything anyway)

1. I cannot wear in-ear earphones unless I wind them around my ear and use a hairgrip to keep them in place- they don't have that hook/ ledgey thing that holds them in most people's ears.

2. Between them, my eyes have a power difference of at least 6 1/2 points- ie my long-sighted eye (aka blackboard eye) is +4.25 last time I checked a few years back, and my shortsighted one ("book eye") is at least -2.25. Despite this I am able to function for months at a time without glasses- though perhaps I am not at the peak of my abilities.. Also my feet are different shoe sizes but, again, I manage. My advice to you is go for the smaller size and the big foot will stretch it in time.

3. Like Reese I like to sing in my head, it sounds much nicer and it seems like I know the lyrics much better because there's a vague dreamy space that doesn't register when you skip a word or two. I often sing aloud in the streets although it's hard to judge when your out of earshot or not- you think you're safe but then you realise you can hear the dude's footsteps from the other end of the street.

4. I am a dictionary game whiz kid- although I'm all of 20 now and 'whiz kid' will never apply again.. Family members reading this post will recall our desperate Eid dictionary gaming and think I'm blowing my own horn unbecomingly, but remember that this is the outside world where such an admission is mostly one of geeky wierdness and loserhood.

5. For the last few years I have been gathering friends and noting relatives who are potential architects and carefully instilling in them the idea that in The Future I will need Someone to build me a house and a magnificent Library. My dear old buddy Fledo is my architect of choice and I have great hopes of her- I feel we share a vision. Aisha Architecture would be next on the list and is already 2 years into her course- I introduced myself to her and the library plan when we first met last year and she seemed perfectly amiable to the idea. Then there's young Ruby who is far off yet and a few others who are more distant and might be harder to persuade.

6. After every movie I have to go to imdb, check out the cast, read a review and probably make a trip to wikipedia too. I also go through what I like to call 'phases' but in reality they are deep obsessions facilitated by the Internet. When I latch onto a cult tv series or movie or occasionally book that's exactly what it's like for a while- a cult in which I read everything there is to know about it and watch all the interviews on youtube and sometimes venture into forums and have downloaded scripts and ugh too much. There are too too many cases in point and TWOP does not help but I can tell you that my current 'phase' is Ugly Betty. I do still manage to have a life though! It's wireless internet and a laptop in my room that is my undoing- and now peekvid.com d--n it.